Ana Lomba’s “Spanish for Kids” products introduce a fun way for teaching kids Spanish, through everyday activities, play, songs, curriculum, stories, apps, and printable props.
We have specific products and advice to teach Spanish to toddlers and to teach Spanish to preschoolers and kindergarteners.
Why Spanish for Kids Products Are a Fantastic Way for Teaching Kids Spanish
Language products should make teaching fluent Spanish fun and in a natural way. The way native Spanish children learn through talk, play, and stories.
Teaching Spanish with fluency is not about isolated exercises, like memorizing colors, numbers, and animals.
Instead, teaching a language in the context of everyday activities, play, and through storytelling are powerful teaching strategies for fluency.
Make Teaching Kids Spanish Fun through Everyday Activities!
Our Play and Learn Spanish with Audio CD is especially designed for parents who want to immerse their children (and themselves) in fluent, everyday Spanish.
No drills and boring grammar exercises.
Instead, you get tons of activities, comic strips, fun games, and songs that let you seamlessly integrate the Spanish language into your everyday life.
There are English translations for all the activities and sidebars with fun cultural information.
Note: this book is available in Kindle.
Use Storytelling
Storytelling is another fantastic strategy to advance quickly in Spanish. Why? Because in the process of learning to do lively readings or act out stories, you are intensifying the development of oral and literacy skills.

Combining language skills makes a huge difference—and boy, is it fun!
However, not all story-based materials are created equal. Ours are bilingual.
We have designed our classic stories specifically for adults and young children learning Spanish together. They are great for older children, adults, and classrooms, too.
The subscription and the apps include the following bilingual titles. (Please note that some of the app titles – not listed – are also in Spanish & French or Spanish & Chinese.):
- The Little Red Hen / La gallina roja
- Cinderella / Cenicienta
- The Three Little Pigs / Los tres cerditos
- Jack and the Beanstalk / Juan y las habichuelas mágicas
- Thumbelina / Pulgarcita
- The Ugly Duckling / El patito feo
- The Goose Game / El juego de la oca / Le jeu d’oie
Key Features of Ana Lomba’s Classic Bilingual Stories:
- Voice-over by native actresses for captivating effect and to help you model animated speech.
- Easy toggle functionality between Spanish for Kids: and English (or another language) so you can quickly check the meaning if you get lost—you could also alternate reading in the two languages if you so please.
- “Pause” button so you can stop and replay shorter chunks of the text.
- Scene divisions so that you can concentrate on one section at a time and for easier reenactment.
- Vibrant comic-style illustrations, providing strong non-verbal cues to reinforce comprehension and make the experience very enjoyable.
- Tons of everyday language and dialogue at a kid’s level for easy transfer to daily parent-child interaction.
Use Our Poster & ToonFlips© Printables as Additional Storytelling Aids

Use the posters to generate conversations about the characters or however you like.
ToonFlips© are illustrations meant to be used as quick-acting cues. You can use them to indicate who is talking, the location where the action is taking place, or other important elements.
The applications are only limited by your imagination.
After Purchasing, What Should You Focus On?
- Personal interaction. Children learn languages best through personal interaction. This is why it is important that you, the parent, join in the adventure. [Note: older children and adults can use the stories independently, but I still recommend to have a learning buddy.]
- Animate your story reading/telling sessions. Make pretend voices, act out some parts, wear wigs… make the sessions as animated and lively as possible! Use our printable ToonFlips© and posters for additional inspiration.
- Use your Spanish! Make the point of using the French that sticks with you (more each time) in your daily conversations with your child. Also, do NOT worry about speaking with perfect grammar and pronunciation. Actual usage is more important at this point.
For Even Greater Results for Teaching Kids Spanish:
- Play the stories frequently. This is both to train your ear to the flow of real Spanish in action and also to imprint large volumes of Spanish grammar, intonation, cultural flair, etc., in your brain (a lot of this process will take place unconsciously!)
- Set personal learning goals. For example, “This week we will learn at least five new expressions.” Challenge yourself as you become more strategic in your learning. It’s a good idea to keep a language-learning journal and look back at all the progress that you have made—don’t forget to pat yourself on the back!
With my portfolio of Spanish for Kids products, your children will be on their way to learning fluent Spanish.
Hola, muy interesante tu trabajo, tienes el libro en español?
Hola Mercedes. Las explicaciones están en inglés y los ejemplos en los dos idiomas. En el futuro quizá lo haga con las explicaciones en español.
Have you developed a system for parents to teach children? I am eager to teach my children but unfortunately did not start at birth. I have 5 children ages 1-9 & know they have the capacity to learn (even starting late). They are thirsting for knowledge, I just need a tried and true methodology.
Thank you for your interest in my materials. There is never a bad age to get started. There are many things that you can try, including my bilingual stories, books and CDs with activities, or also the Magic Worlds® curriculum. While I started the curriculum with teachers in mind, I am now adapting the lessons so that parents can easily use them at home as well. More lesson plans will be available on the website soon. I’ll be happy to show them to you or anyone while this happens. You can contact me at
Buenos días,
Trabajo en una escuela primaria francesa y busco talleres didácticos para 2 horas por semana en español. Sí tienes una herramienta que pueda utilizar, sería genial. Utilicé la gallina roja y les encantó.
Is this Spain Spanish or Latin American Spanish?
The voice actress for this stories is Latin American.
Hi, I have one book (Caperucita Roja) and I would really like a few more like this book. Can I purchase other story books in Spanish with the audio from a particular website. Ox Paula
Not on hard copy format, but you can get other titles as e-storybooks from or as iPad apps from the “App Store” (search for “Ana Lomba”)
Dear Mrs Lomba
Is there any reason why these books could not be used as a tool for a Mexican family to learn English from their home in Mexico. I refer to a mother with two children ages 4 and 6 years old.
I would be grateful for any suggestions you may have to help me help this family learn English together in their own home and perhaps supplementing this with having a tutor once a week.
With kind regards
J Heredia
Yes, these books can be used in reverse to learn English from Spanish 🙂 They are completely bilingual.
Also, I want to write a guide for parents – I only have the one for teachers right now (at I hope to be able to tackle the parents’ guide project soon.
Mucha suerte con todo.
Por cierto que en este vídeo en español explico cómo usar los cuentos para aprender inglés: